You’re entering Danang Rental Market, and you’ve spent many days looking for a property to stay. You finally find one that’s just perfect for your stay, but there are some difficulties that you want to negotiate with Danang landlord.
Making good impressions on your Danang landlord at the first meeting is essential because it not only helps you triumph over your rivals but also negotiate good rent deals. Vietnamese landlords can be quite spontaneous. We saw a lot of cases: At first, they may demand 18 million VND per month for the house and ask you for paying 3-6 months at once. But if they have a liking for you, not all, but some landlords may cut 1.5-2 million VND out of the rent, or let you pay for only 1-2 months at once for the first months. In the long run, you can pay just three months at once. Continue reading our essential tips on how to make good impressions on your Danang landlord at the first meeting and during your stay.
How to Have an Impressive First Meeting
Take Care of Your Appearance
Dressing formally will show your respect towards your landlord, but you should not worry too much and dress too formally. Just remember to be professional and clean. There have been cases where foreigners wear torn shorts, thinking it’s normal for Vietnamese folks. Some even forget to zip their pants. Those “graphic” images make bad impressions, leading to hard negotiation. That’s because some Danang landlords might be suspicious of your on-time rental payment.
Be on Time
Punctuality is vital in all kinds of events, especially a meeting with potential landlords. You should leave home early to make sure you are present and well-dressed at least 5 minutes before the agreed time.
Being punctual shows your Danang landlord two virtues they are looking for every tenant. The first virtue is your common courtesy, which signals that you are educated and pleasant to do business with. The second one is your reliability in paying the rent on time. So, don’t be late!
Greetings are important in Vietnamese culture. Foreigners are not required to learn any unfamiliar greeting styles or rituals. Just an honest smile and some handshakes will do. You can consider learning how to say “Hello” in Vietnamese.
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”
These pieces of advice are one of many words of wisdom left behind by Nelson Mandela, and you can just follow it to earn some good impression in the first meeting with the landlord. Simple words like “Xin chào!” or “Cảm ơn!” do not only break the ice but also give you chance of receiving better rental terms compared to other tenants.
You should only enter the house or advance if the landlords signal that it’s time to do so. Remember not to disregard them by rushing straight into their property; some Korean renters made this mistake which immediately irritated the landlords.
Know-How to Behave
It is wisely said, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Similarly, when you are in Danang, do as the residents do. When you enter a new culture, it’s best to observe the locals and adapt your behaviors to theirs. This is a great way to make positive impressions.
If you see the landlords leave their shoes out, do the same unless they specifically ask you not to or say it’s fine to wear shoes indoors. If you wish to take a photo, go upstairs, or enter a room, ask for permission first. And remember not to make annoying loud noises if you come with your friends or a group to see the property. When you feel the need to discuss in your group, do so with low volumes only. When using the stairs, do not drag or stamp your feet because the noise may affect other tenants living in the building. You must refrain from smoking if the landlords ask you to.
Before You Leave
After the tour, do not just say “Thank you,” “goodbye” and walk out. Say something more! For example, you can tell the Danang landlords your opinions of the place. If you need some time to think before making final decision, tell the landlords exactly when you can give them your answer.
In general, do not come and leave like the landlords do not exist. They expect to hear your opinions and make future arrangements with you.
During Your Stay
Keep Up with the Rent and Bills
One of the biggest concerns of almost all the landlords during your stay is whether you can pay the rent and other bills on time or not. Some landlords might require you to compensate at a specific interest rate when you miss the rent or bill deadline without a compelling reason. So, try to make punctual payment.
If you live with the landlords or in a shared house with other tenants, there are usually areas that all parties share. Those areas can be the stairs, yard, terrace or top floor. Try to clean those areas even though you do not use them much. This thoughtful action shows that you care about the house and are a very pleasant person to live with.
Your Friends Come for Stay
If you have some friends, come to stay overnight or more than a week, and if they are allowed to stay, please inform the landlord so they can help to register them if necessary according to the Vietnamese law. If there is no notice in advance, your landlords may get a hefty fine from the police.
Be a Responsible User
When you rent a place, the furniture may be included in the rent, but it still belongs to the landlords, please be careful and responsible with your landlords’ facilities.
For example, turning off electronic devices such as TV or air-conditioner when not in use. Do not use things for the wrong purposes.
If there is an automatic awning, you should only use it to shield from normal rain or the sun. Do not leave it out to withstand very heavy rain or storms because it will break. Some unthoughtful tenants misuse the awning and avoid paying the landlords by blaming nature.
Repair Things If Needed
There is a high chance that some electronic devices will act up during your stay. Even though you have nothing to do with their broken functions, consider fixing or replacing them yourself without calling the landlords. It is true that you may have the right to make your landlords pay for faulty devices but let’s not ring them every time something as small as a light bulb or a switch goes wrong. They do not cost a ton of money to fix.
Moreover, by fixing them yourself, you send a message to the landlords that you are not a petty person. This will make the landlords more generous with you in many aspects, including the rent. They may consider lowering the lease or not raising it like they do with other tenants.
When You Leave
As the contract ends, you have to pack all your stuff and move out. But do not leave behind a mess of trash. You should really take some time to clean your house or apartment before leaving, if possible. Although the contract does not mandate you to do so, you should at least empty the fridge, rid of the trash, wash the dishes, etc. You do not need to make everything as clean as new but do not leave the place in a messy condition.
To sum up, you should put yourself in the shoes of a Da Nang landlord to see what they expect from potential tenants. It is always advisable to dress professionally, listen attentively, and raise good questions at the first meeting. During your stay, keep up with the rent, live clean and maintain good communication with your landlord.
Hopefully, our pieces of information above can offer you great tips. Good luck!
– Vincent –
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